
Tag Archives: ssh

Today I was not working using my personal computer and I was under a Windows system (Win7). I needed to use the R package ReportingTools, that used the X11 interface to create the PNG’s output, on the server side (I was working through a SSH).

What it is needed?

  1. PuTTY for the SSH connection to the server – link
  2. Xming for the XServer under Windows – link

The process

First of all the Xming should be installed and started (it will be started at the end of the installation process). The we open PuTTY:

PuTTY - X11conf

Then we open to the Connection tab, also the SSH sub-tab and finally click on X11 (left picture). In the screen check the check-box Enable X11 forwarding. The we come back to the tab Session. We type the name of the new configuration into the text-box Saved Sessions and press Save (right picture).

Load the new configuration, connect to the server where and have fun!